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Indoor saunas.
Arrive. Recharge your batteries.
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90°C Finnish sauna
With crystal heater, guided or automatic infusions,
imaginative light, inspiring sound and various fragrance scenarios.
60°C Classic bio sauna
Stimulates and strengthens the cardiovascular
45°C steam bath
With a starry sky.
Relaxes and gives the skin freshness, smoothness and suppleness.
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Oxygen sauna and MicroSalt room.
60°C oxygen sauna
The oxygen sauna is unique in Germany and provides more body energy, vitality, concentration and well-being.
Ideal for complaints such as respiratory or skin diseases, allergies, asthma, headaches, insomnia or intestinal problems. Improves the regeneration of the body after illness, physical exertion or stress.
Neutralises viruses, germs, bacteria and harmful substances. For an increase in athletic performance of up to 25%.
MicroSalt room
With its invisible crushing technology, MicroSalt from KLAFS produces a particularly fine salt aerosol of the highest quality. When inhaled, these fine salt particles – unlike with conventional salt applications – are distributed throughout the entire respiratory system, from the nose to the sinuses, the throat and the outermost areas of the lungs, where they have an expectorant effect.
The purpose of using MicroSalt is to thoroughly cleanse the airways down to the finest alveoli and to cleanse and revitalise the skin.
Honoured with the European Health and Spa Award 2014 as ‘”est Spa Product Innovation Technique”.