

3, 5 OR 7 DAYS.

Your golf holiday at one of the largest golf resorts in Europe. Play the golf of your life and enjoy 73 holes, 5 courses and the vastness of the beautiful nature directly at the Fleesensee.

3 days: from 520 EUR p.p. in a double room | 789 EUR in a single room

5 days: from 716 EUR p.p. in a double room | 1,131 EUR in a single room

7 days: from 999 EUR p.p. in a double room | 1,622 EUR in a single room




  • 3, 5 or 7 nights including a varied breakfast buffet
  • 3 x green fee with free choice of course for a stay of 3 or 5 nights / 4 x green fee with free choice of course for a stay of 7 nights
  • Free play on 9-hole courses
  • 3 tokens per person for the GolfArena
  • Use of the SCHLOSS Spa with pool, sauna, relaxation and fitness area
  • Free parking in the outdoor car park
  • 20% summer green fee discount on additional 18-hole rounds on the GOLF Fleesensee courses

About the GOLF Fleesensee.

5 courses. 73 holes. Always something free.

Find the golf of your life and enjoy perfectly manicured greens and the expanse of beautiful nature directly on Lake Fleesensee. And probably the most flexible starting times in the world.

SCHLOSS course: 18-hole, PAR 72, from HCP 36

Securitas course: 18-hole, PAR 72, from HCP 54

B2B course: 18-hole, PAR 67, from HCP 54

Synchron Golf Course: 9-hole, PAR 30

Land Fleesensee Course: 9-hole, PAR 27

GOLF Fleesensee

GolfArena. Practising is a pleasure.

A driving range like a coliseum: more than 200 open teeing grounds. 90 covered and partially heated teeing grounds. Floodlights like in a stadium. A huge approach area that also allows full shots and spacious teaching huts with a training room. You can use this huge practice area free of charge. And you should, it’s fun for beginners and pros alike.

At 400 metres in diameter, the circular GolfArena is one of the largest in the world.

200 teeing grounds, 90 covered, 4 Scope and 3 TrackMan systems, ideal for all weathers.


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Zwei lachende Golfer auf dem Golfplatz.
Golfer auf einem Golfplatz.

Take a swing.

Book your golf holiday now at one of the largest golf resorts in Europe. Find the golf of your life and enjoy 72 holes, 5 courses and the expanse of beautiful nature directly on Lake Fleesensee.