

In Foyer 1, a reception for 110 people can be organised on an area of 115 m².

Foyer 2 can accommodate up to 90 people in an area of 84 m².

The foyers have a separate cloakroom.


Where:Conference area in the eastern side wing
Size:Foyer 1: 17,4 x 6,6 m / 115 sqm
Foyer 2: 13,2 x 6 m / 84 sqm
Maximum number of persons:Foyer 1: 90 Persons
Foyer 2: 110 Persons
Connection options:Foyer 1: in combination with the Schliemann, Reuter, Wossidlo and Lilienthal rooms
Foyer 2: in combination with the ballroom
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We plan imaginatively and organise reliably – and you enjoy your event. Use the entire service of SCHLOSS Fleesensee and inspire your participants.

-Anja Strobel-
Senior Cluster Meeting & Event Manager

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