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Gäste des Schloss Hotel Fleesensee erhalten an der Rezeption ihre Zimmerkarte.
Gäste des Schloss Hotel Fleesensee erhalten an der Rezeption ihre Zimmerkarte.

Become a part of the SCHLOSS.

Finally Me.

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We make something of people who make more of themselves. And us.


Giving up the vibrant city for the provinces? Swap the familiar for a new brand? Leave the familiar behind to make a fresh start?

For us, it’s a no-brainer: absolutely! After all, where else are you lucky enough to work in the midst of a dreamlike natural landscape that is as multifaceted as the land of a thousand lakes? Discover the ‘finally me.’ feeling that also captivates our guests. Become part of an enthusiastic team and help bring a young, fresh brand to life. We give you the chance to get involved and develop further – instead of sticking to outdated routines.

We are also happy to receive unsolicited applications!

Your direct contact person is Mrs Urszula Wycech at

Tel: +49 (0) 39932 8010 3222 or

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module-flow-content is disabled!
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